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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

I hear the wishes and congratulations and think, "To whom are they talking?" Me? No way.

Flowers from Matt's parents. Aww. I look in the mirror and ask, "Who is that person?" I tell Matt that it's the dawning of the Age of Hilarious. This belly, egad.

We had brunch at the Canterbury, our 8th meal out with them. I'm going to explode.

Matt and I hit a garage sale the other day and bought a Fisher Price piano for $2.00. I cried on the way back to the car; the moment grabbed me. A year ago, did I picture this, garage sale shopping for toys with him? Maybe, deep down.

At the Hip show the other night I thought, "The end of an era." The guys said, "When we're in town, we'll hire your babysitter."

Matt's hug today, his words. He's so pure of heart.

But I'd like my body back, please. In time, I know. Always patience.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers. Now I know.

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