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Friday, May 11, 2007


Yep, the Hip were back in town yesterday - I took the day off to spend with them (ended up spending part of it at the mall, bought Matt a shirt, very fond of gift giving). Matt, again, couldn't see the show because his parents flew in last night. I am very fond of his parents, too, but I told him, "Honey...the Hip...I've had it planned..." and he understood. His mom told me, "Yes, of course, go have fun - we'll see you tomorrow." She and I see eye to eye on just about everything. Good news.

The Hip soundchecked at 4:30 and I invited my dad to come along. He's such a cool guy - dropped everything and met me at the Vogue. What man does this? My dad, that's who. We were the only two at soundcheck, and I said, "Dad, this is the life for me." Chuckling, he replied, "It really is, isn't it, honey?" He knows it's the music I love; I am, after all, his daughter.

After they practiced (a cover - the Hip actually sang a cover last night: Helter Skelter), they all came off stage and introduced themselves to my dad. It was a shining moment; I was very touched. Gord Downie said, "I have to meet this young lady's father..." My dad told them what a good job they did (four songs, hee hee), and they all talked instruments and kids. It was a bit surreal, but great.

Gord S. and I hung out in Ripple, had dinner, and I met up with Jennerator (had one beer) until it was show time. I sat at our reserved table like a good girl for about the first 10 songs....then I headed up to the front where a bouncer tried to remove me. I looked at the band and they nodded to him, so I got to stay in my own private, secured spot for the rest of the show. I'm a very loyal friend, but when I'm at a show I tend to wander off into solo spaces. I commune with loud speakers quite well. The Hip played Long Time Running for me, and this time I almost cried. It holds new meaning: Well worth the wait.

I called/text messaged Matt all night, and it does amaze me how, while standing there in all my glory, I missed him. That independent "I'll do what I want when I want" feeling is gone; however, I still dig the music.

Several friends were at the show, all told me I'm glowing. I am. I had three "backstage" passes, but ended up getting about 7 people back to meet the band. They all said, "You made my life - I owe you," and I just smiled. I actually left before anyone, left them gawking and talking to the band members, and I headed home to real life. But don't get me wrong, I still dig the music.

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