My Blog List

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Milling About

Poor Sam fell this morning, just before school, cut his lip with blood gushing everywhere. It's a hard-knock life when you have to take Motrin for pain at 7AM.

Matt and I met for lunch (a rare treat) at Pancho's authentic Mexican restaurant, then I met my favorite writer friend for coffee at Monon. I'm beginning to really like school days...some time off for good behavior.

Good thing I didn't go to Hubbards & Cravens this afternoon, so I heard. Yikes.

Being around a writer makes me want to write. Time to dabble in some fiction...

Oh, my, it's October 15th!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Ripple Night

Me mum's in town all week, so I've found my feet propped up a lot more often. Matt and I are having another date tonight...hooray. Hitting Ripple, and hopefully meeting up with Mary and her 3 brothers later.

Sam's school sent a letter home saying, "We're going to start working on potty training." I read it in the classroom and told his teacher: No need, it's done. I loved how her mouth dropped (especially since Sam's the youngest in the class). My mom can't believe how Sam helps cook every meal. You think I'm kidding. He is so incredible, just like I knew he would be.

Ask Sam what you do with mushrooms and he answers, "sauté mushrooms." Classic.

Off to my date!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Dating Again...

Matt and I went running together on this windy, balmy night. All elements point to the romantic. Matt with his flashlight and pepper spray (I'm kidding, I made him leave it home), and me whistling Dixie. No two people have ever been so opposite, and gotten along so well.

My mom is here all week from sunny Florida (she's lying around reading books, asking us how we live in such cold), and Sam is loving the bonus attention. He's potty trained (except not completely at night) and he's only been two for two weeks. Not only does he go in the potty, but then he flushes it all down the big potty, and cleans it out with water. Everyone just shakes their head in amazement.

Matt and I had a great date last weekend: St. Elmo's and Nicky Blaine's, and it makes me miss living downtown. Oh, the stories I have about downtown... Wow, several just came to mind. I think back to Matt courting me in my downtown flat while he was still living at Geist. I still cherish that entire time in our lives. Up, down (sneak, sneak), bad, good, great. I knew the minute I saw Matt that we'd be riding out a few storms together. Don't all the romantic relationships begin in crisis?

Going out Thusday night on another date while grandmom stays with Sam. Matt and I are dating again, and I love it! It's good to date your husband. He's leaving for Puerto Rico soon to surf. I gave him permission to surf with the hottest blonde babe he can find, just so he doesn't surf alone. I noticed "Surfing" magazine show up in our post today - he's a kid - I love it.

I'm planning a trip back out to Colorado, and gonna try to catch the Hip...maybe in Dallas. I really hate Texas, but I must do what I must do when completely committed to music.

Loving life, and currently decorating Sam's big boy room.