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Monday, October 18, 2010

High School Reunion

Saturday. 6 pm. Sunny. Gorgeous. I was dressed a little bit like Johnny Cash.

My friend Mary picked me up, and we planned to ditch her car and cab it home. She had a pile of cds in her car as she'd driven down from Chicago earlier that day. She said, "I brought my 'Jill' music." Tragically Hip, Cake, Liz Phair, some standards. I was impressed.

Really overheating in my black sweater.

We met up with four guys we've known since the 7th grade, our best buds, and we all piled into a small BMW (back in the day it was probably a large Toronado) and headed to the reunion. Mary said, "Grab that Tragically Hip cd!" Mary and I were sitting on the laps of our friends, and I handed the cd up to the driver, Dave, whom everyone knows. ; ) (Hip lyric.)

Mary said, "Jill, have him play that r o c k i n g song," and I'm thinking, "Um, um...they all are." She said, "That one. That one that makes you dance in your seat." So, I cleared my throat and said, "Dave, please, track 6."

We had the poor car speakers screaming as loudly as they could possibly go as we drove down the street listening to Locked in the Trunk of a Car.

We played it about 4 times ... I mean loudly ... I sat in the middle of the backseat with an itchy sweater and a huge smile on my face. I'm so easy.

Three of my guy friends said things like, "Who in the hell was that? That was f***ing fantastic." My friend, Alex, said, "....Jill's gift to every person she knows...The Tragically Hip."

I got home around 3:00 am.

Matt took Sam and let me sleep it off the entire next day. What a cool husband.