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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sammy Jump Up

Sam was bouncing the hell out of his Johnny Jump Up tonight. He loves that thing, the feeling of movement, the freedom of flight. I said, "Oh, sweetie, it's the beginning of your career in the ballet..."

(Await reply)

Matt's reply: Do you realize just how difficult that will be for you to do while I'm still alive?


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eternal Sunshine

Sam and I took a walk this beautiful, sunny afternoon. We walk our neighborhood often, and give nods and kudos to fellow Chicco baby strollers. We spied a few teenaged girls wearing long, floral skirts and ethereal smiles, their hair pinned up in buns, walking from house to house holding large notepads and ... a shoe box? (traveling collection plate?) Huh? I surmised that they were up to Jesus business. I love God, and on a day like today, greatly. Sunshine makes you aware of his power. But these smiling teens were walking towards us with their #2 pencils and intentions, and I thought, "Don't you touch my son. Keep those frumpy frocks away from us."

They were obviously happy, enjoying the day as well, but I didn't want to be "signed up" for God. I've known people captured by the cult of so-called "Christ," trapped in a long prairie skirt, with parents who wouldn't allow them to befriend outsiders. My best friend in 6th grade was a Jehovah's Witness. Her parents invited me to church a few times (I was what...10?) and then "invited" me to become a member. I told them that I belonged to my own church, with my parents, and that my father might not appreciate me wandering from the flock. They were pissed. They hadn't done the math right, and were coming up short of a few souls they were responsible for getting into heaven.

I remember being involved in a 30 minute prayer at my final Jehovah episode. My friend and I, and I'm sure many others, were falling asleep. As the "pastor" (or whatever he was called) passed the bread, I passed my friend a little note that said this: Dark bread, yuck.

I have this knack for making people laugh uncontrollably in church.

This was the beginning of the end of my friendship with Kelly. And we'd had all those great nights rollerskating beforehand...

My dad's church, technically speaking, loves a good revival, but they allow you to make your own way. I like that. Having a son makes me awake and aware of so much more. The deep end of the ocean. But don't shove it down my throat: I choke so easily.

Sam and I have been watching The Great Escape on TCM tonight. I said: Son, when is the last time you watched a good POW movie with your mother?

He burped.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There's so much going on; most importantly, Sam's nap. I find myself tip-toeing around the house during this hour/hour-and-a-half; every noise I make deserves a curse of onomatopoeia with an added dash of inflection. I hit my wedding ring against the glass table: bugger! I creak the hardwood floor: zeek! Let that baby sleep.

Darryn told me the funniest story today... He has an actual 1984 license plate on his 1984 Mercedes. There's a new law allowing antique cars (anything over 25-years-old) to carry plates from the year they were made. Darryn got pulled over his first week out. The policeman didn't know about the law and said, "Your plate's expired." Darryn replied, "Do you really think I'd be driving on a plate that had been expired for 25 years?"

Angie and Eva moved to Chicago this week...just like that. Angie is a brave soul, always has been. I called Ev last night to see how the first day of school went. She said, "Well, it was good. I met new friends and started Chinese class." She'll be fine; that little girl intuits the positive side of everything.

I'm very disappointed in California's decision to make parents have teacher credentials to home school this week. Statistics show that the majority of home-schooled kids are well above the national average. That's because they are not distracted with silliness, "clicks", recess, the class clown or the child who cannot speak English. It should be up the parent, as long as the child performs well, how education is administered. The superb teachers of California should band together and form new, private schools; the State only wants money, hence the reason for the injunction. Sock it to the Man. Matt said, "Good idea!" I knew I would marry an attorney because I think like one. ; )~

I know my stepmom would love to personally choose her class each year!

Alas, Sam is crying. The fissure between having time to write and reality grows as quickly as he does. I'm off to homeschool him. He already knows how to spell his name; it's just getting him to say it that is the trick.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

6 Months Old

Ah, my child. People ask if I miss the "tiny baby" stage. Uh, not really. He's in a great stage now. He's beginning to talk (constantly), and whenever he's upset, if you sing the alphabet all is well with the world. The apple doesn't fall far.

Last night I read him "Goldilocks" and "Jack & the Beanstalk." When we finished I said, "Well, Sam, they both committed felonies. Goldilocks: breaking and entering and destruction of private property; Jack: robbery and murder. We're not reading those stories anymore."

It is funny what pith and subtext we missed as children. Jack seemed heroic when I was a tot, but last night I realized that he's nothing but a criminal. That giant was minding his own business, his own money, his own golden hen and talking harp.

I finished by telling Sam that Jack is behind bars with his mom, and that we will never steal from anyone. ; )

Friday, March 14, 2008


Sure, I'll take care of Eric, the best friend alive, whilst his girlfriend is on tour with the frickin' Eagles!

Damn, girl, go!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome Lo Lo

My sister Lauren wrote me a letter on my wedding day that made me cry. Love her. This "kid" is 17-yrs-old, yet an old soul. She's the most thoughtful person our family ever produced. And she wants to be a writer; imagine that.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Sam is definitely my son...he fell asleep holding his book with both hands. : )

Matt and I have had a great first week of marriage, sharing bronchitis.
But this time coughing and sneezing with him seems all together different. They're better coughs, better sneezes.
Life is so good.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Mr.and Mrs.

Matt and I got married yesterday in a private, small, albeit wonderful ceremony. I cried through the whole thing. It was so romantic and we both kept interupting the minister, saying to one another, "I love you...I love you too." We are so incredibly giddy today. : )

I knew I'd marry Matt the minute I first saw him. I think he knew 30 seconds after that.

I love being his wife!