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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Back Home Again In...

Matt and I reluctantly returned home from Naples on Sunday. Saps. We enjoy 24/7 coalescence, and never seem to tire of the hand holding.

Eva cried when we left, which made me feel awful. Matt played soccer and football with her, and threw her around in the ocean and pool for a couple of days. Eva squealed with delight. My mom and sister looked at me and nodded. Girl sign language. I nodded back: I know.

We spotted my mom’s pet alligator, Aloisius, and Matt and I took copious photos, most of which require developing (I still prefer film!). We watched a suicidal egret apparently begging to be eaten, but I screamed "Fly for your life!" and saved him. Phew.

Other photos are displayed at the bottom of the page…

Matt and I got our much-needed time alone at the boutique Bayside Inn. We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at fancy places, so it’s carrots and apples for me all week. If you're ever in Naples, Cafe Lurcat on the square - it's unbelievable.

We lay on the beach soaking up rays and bottled water. I introduced Matt to a little thing called sunblock. California boy.

Matt’s finest moment was when he fell over the bed one night and landed on the floor. I wake up every time he moves, so I was awake to witness the whole scene. I saw a perfect silhouette of flailing arms and legs; then, nothing. I lay quiet for a moment thinking, “Do I mention it…do I say something…do I ask him where he is?” He stayed on the floor for a few seconds and I finally said, “Honey…you ok?” He got back into bed and said, “I’m great; nothing to see here!” I laughed hard for 3 a.m., so hard I had tears running down my face. He joined me, and I don’t think we ever got back to sleep…

We talked and planned and thanked our lucky stars. The next several months should be unreal…can’t wait.

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