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Friday, November 16, 2007

What A Year

Sam had to have somewhat emergent surgery this week for an obstruction keeping food from his stomach. I told him we were taking a drive, and he ended up spending the night in the hospital. I hope he won't have trust issues with me.

Matt and I stayed by his side, and learned even more the value, wonderment and blessing of parenthood. I held Sam for 2 straight days, pretty much, was there every time he woke up. I got no sleep, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

The nursing staff at St V. fell in love with him; everyone who entered the room, hooking up wires and checking monitors, would stop and say, "Oh my, he's handsome!" He is gorgeous, and those tear-stained deep blue eyes broke my heart repeatedly.

He's home now and he's fine ... all smiles.

As good as 2007 has been for us, we're truly looking forward to 2008. A new beginning, the past behind us, a happy family.

And we're hoping that Matt's crazy, spastic and utterly helpless ex will journey to the moon and get stuck there. (I'm being kind when I say this). ; )

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