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Sunday, March 07, 2010

New Sport

I pulled out my old one-piece swimsuit last night and tried it on for Matt. Some laughter followed. It's at least 15-years-old (maybe more) because, who wears a one-piece? Well, I do now that I'm swimming at the gym! I ran 4 miles yesterday, and that glistening 5-lane lap pool was calling me. I bought some new black swim goggles and a black cap last night to match my 15-year old black suit. Matt said, "You look really cool."

Well, I did look pretty cool once I was swimming. As my brother says, "Muscles have memory." I swam 3/4 of a mile, which is no small feat after at least a 10-year hiatus from serious swimming (splashing around with Sam at the Monon Center and drinking margaritas in Matt's parents' pool notwithstanding).

I loved it. I swam pretty fast; swam right past the girl who chose to wear her bikini, right past the lady who swam with her head out of the water and never once cupped her hands. My heart was racing...and no sweat! I'm thinking a Masters competition is in my future. I wish I liked riding bicycles (I really don't), because maybe a triathlon for this old lady is in order. I must always keep up with Jason.

My two new favorite words from Sam: Lassy Tappy (Laffy Taffy) and Dunk Trup (Dump Truck).

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