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Friday, March 16, 2007

Lady In Waiting

My honey is on a jet plane heading back to me – I pick him up first thing in the morning. The week went by so quickly. Forget Skype: we talked 1-2 times a day from his cell phone (cannot wait to see that bill, charged to his company, of course). He had some pretty interesting stories of the astounding socio-disparity between Dubai and Delhi: marble streets in Dubai; cows in the streets of Delhi. Told me some other pretty interesting stories too. We can’t wait to hit “resume” on our life tomorrow.

Ironically, I heard at least 4 stories on NPR this week about Dubai’s corruption. Each time Matt called, I’d fill him in, and he’d say, “Doesn’t surprise me.” Single women from Indonesia, Philippines, etc. go there to earn a buck for their starving families. They end up as housemaids, where it is written into the law that they have no rights because they’re “family.” They’re beaten, sexually abused, and work about 20-hour days. Horrible. Matt said it’s not a place he’d care to see again.

While he was gone I bought a banjo…ah, she’s a beauty, a 5-string Fender. He called to tell me about his last day in Dubai, and I said, “That’s nice, I visited Sam Ash music; $400 later, I own a banjo.” Matt started laughing and said, “You’re kidding – that’s so cool!” Talk about disparity, but that’s why we get along so well. He’s the serious (although, for an attorney, wickedly funny) merger/acquisition type, and I’m the artsy one who starts a new instrument on a whim. Last night I sent him some photos of me holding my banjo, and I guess I’ll take some blog-friendly photos soon enough. : )

I’m researching vacation destinations today, and when he returns we’re running off somewhere for a week together. No family, no Treo (ok, probably the damn Treo, but we’re not answering it) and absolutely no one bothering us.

Maybe we'll go to Springfield, Illinois.

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