My Blog List

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sam and I went to lunch this afternoon and Lauren was our waitress. She did a great job, and when she brought Sam free dessert, he said, "Oh... My... Gosh. This is delicious."

I took him to the park afterward, and there were two weirdo kids there, one who kept chasing Sam, and one who kept hitting him. The chaser was wearing a blue sweatshirt, and when Sam woke from his nap later at home, the first thing he said was, "That blue guy was chasing me."

But lately Sam uses "actually," "seriously," and "precarious" correctly in sentences. We never really talked baby-talk to Sam, and it shows. Matt was commenting last night on how he made a giant leap of maturity from age 2.5 to age 3.

On the way to school Monday he said, "Daddy really wants me to go surfing with him, but I don't want to use his big white surfboard, I want my own surfboard." I agreed. Sometimes he's scary smart. He listens to NPR on the way to and from school (16 miles round trip), and he's started repeating, or, better yet, commenting on the commentary!

In other news:

Jason came in 335th in the Madison, WI Ironman. Angie and I both took walks that day.

I went to Chicago for the weekend and danced in really super-high heels. I was able to walk again today, for the first time.

I contributed to the Democratic Party yesterday, and again today, because I want my voice to be heard.

Matt is buying another old Mercedes. That will be two in our driveway. My family thinks he may need psychological evaluation.

Kate is in the hospital again, and we all hate that very much. : (

Matt and Sam are going surfing in November. I mean, how cute is that?!

All for now.

1 comment:

Jason said...

You're one fine sister.