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Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Moment

Sam told me that he walked through "waddy mutters" today in his Crocs. I used to say "rabby barrit" for bunny rabbit when I was his age.

He's on a Spiderman kick.

We move into our new house in T minus 34 days. I've been on weekly decorating binges, my absolute favorite pasttime. Matt buys something from Miller Nurseries online every week, too. We're a good mix.

There's so much going on, so little time; I read books in front of the oven at night, usually while I'm stirring someting, trying to keep up.

My writer buddy invented the best name: The MELP.

Gord Downie has a new record coming out. Ahh. I emailed him on his birthday - he spent it cleaning closets with his kids. So respectable.

I hear Sam's footsteps coming down the hallway...

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