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Sunday, May 20, 2012

That Bugs

It probably happens to you. Some say it's no big deal, and perhaps it isn't, but when someone "friend requests" you and you have no idea who they are, what do you do?

Facebook is stuck in my craw lately.

Going to a high school of 4,000, I ran into a lot of people. That doesn't mean we spoke. Following it up with I.U., I certainly met--or at least saw--a lot of faces from Indy (Kokomo, Greenwood and Columbus don't count) and "Chicago" (most kids in college who said they were from Chicago were actually from Northern IN, or a Chicago suburb, pop. 12,000).

In today's world I get weekly friend-requests from unfamiliar people. Perhaps I knew them when...but I don't know them now. Facebook will claim that we have 15 or 16 mutual friends, but when I refer to the list, I usually can't remember those people, either. Do I ignore the request? Should I have ignored the other requests? Do I accept the friend request to push my numbers up so that it seems like I know a lot more people that I really don't know? Do I want to see photos of kids whose parents I can't remember? Do I care?

Oh shit, wait: I don't really care.

My husband is a master of snubbing people he can't remember, never really liked, or wants to rid from life. I gasp: Won't that crush their delicate feelings? and he replies, "So what?"

So, because of my terrible memory for faces and names, and because it feels like strangers going through my closets, I'm gonna have to let the snubbing begin. In advance, I apologize.

I feel lighter already. One to go.
Facebook went public this week and their stock isn't selling well: I'll tell you why. It's because of people who put things like this on their status update:

Please pray for us.

For days I pray. I pray and pray and pray; meanwhile, I'm messaging that person (who I really can't remember): What's wrong? Who am I praying for? I need more details!

No response.

By this time, hundreds of people have posted things like, "I'm so sorry!" or "Let me know how I can help!" and I'm still shrugging my shoulders asking, "What the hell happened? And...who are you? Did we have a class together?


A few days later a new post appears:

Thank you for all of the prayers and support. We're on our road to recovery.

with no...freaking...explanation.

From now on people of this nature will be deleted from my beloved book. The people I don't know can go bother someone else with whom they maybe had French class (although I skipped that class a lot, which could help explain a lot of this mess...).

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