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Monday, June 21, 2010

Planting the new house

I touched a cat tonight. I'll never do that again. I have welts all over my arms from the vile creature. Truthfully, I like cats, but I can't be near them, so I hate them.

Jason rode his bicycle from Ft. Wayne to Indy to surprise my dad for Father's Day. 120 miles, that crazy nut. He's a machine; he's always been a machine. At age 5 I saw those machine eyes. I run 3 miles up hill and I feel accomplished. Phooey. He was sitting on the couch at my dad's when we arrived, drinking a beer, all "Hey guys." He's lucky we still speak to him.

Of late, I chopped down a Hawthorne tree; hack-sawed a crab apple tree; helped plant the weeping cherry that Sam and I got Matt for Father's Day; stood on a ladder whacking bushes; planted rhododendruns, hibiscus and tons of perennial flowers, and I'm just getting started.

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