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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Taj Mahal

So, I spend at least 20 mintues a day on the current zeitgeist Facebook! It's ridiculous. I have an interview with the publishing company on Friday, and I'm really hoping to be writing again soon ... and getting paid for it. It's looking very positive, and they are a growing company, and publish lots of books.

I took Matt to see the band Cracker last night in the intimate setting of a couple's home in Meridian Kessler. This is the 4th band they've had play at their home, and with only 60 people there, it was pretty spectacular. Matt said it was the best birthday gift he ever got. He had such a good time, and he's really been enjoying meeting so many people lately. He likes my choices in friends. We hung out with David Lowry and Johnny Hickman, and I was right back in my element!

Speaking of elements, Mary, Monique and I are going to see the Hip in Chicago in May. : )

I took Sam to the library today, where there was this self-righteous, caucasian geek "library" mom with two kids, to whom she paid no attention. Every now and again she'd go looking for them, and she would literally cluck her tongue, and they would answer in cluck. This was their call. My brother does this great whippoorwill call (as a joke) to his kids when they're hiking in the woods and he knows exactly where they are. Matt and I adopted this, also as a joke. But this woman was serious as a heart attack, and terribly awkward.

I'd say that her kids were around the ages of 4 and 8, and she kept bringing her little girl books on India, saying, "Look, sweetie, this is the taj mahal -- look at it. I said, look at it!" Instead, the little tike prefered taking things out of Sam's hands, and running around with a sweet little black girl whose parent had also left her. The sweet girl was well behaved, not creepy, and she shared with Sam and asked me where his sister was. Eek.

The mom came clucking for her weirdo little taj mahal-hater, and yelled at the little black girl right in front of me, shouting, "I'm going to say this. You do NOT yell or run in a library!" and then went clucking off to find her daughter, who'd run away yelling.

I tell ya.

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